Terms and conditions

(1) Ownership of the site

The website https://leoeluna.net (hereinafter the "Site") is owned by Leo & Luna Srl , with registered office in Viale Premuda, 46 – 20129 Milan , VAT number IT09444430962 , registered in the Milan Company Register with number MI – 2090491 , and is aimed at the online sale of physical products.

(2) Applicable law
2.1. Articles 45 to 67 "Consumer rights" of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005 n. 206 (Consumer Code) and Legislative Decree 9 April 2003 n. 70 regarding electronic commerce regulate the purchase and sale of products and services via electronic means.
2.2. Any sales contract stipulated by Leo and Luna Srl with the Customer will be regulated and interpreted according to Italian law.

(3) Acceptance of the instructions provided for completing the order and of all the general conditions of sale
3.1. By placing an order according to the methods provided on the Site, the Customer declares to have taken note of all the information provided during the purchase procedure and to fully accept the general conditions of sale and payment expressed below.
3.2. The sales contract stipulated between the Customer and Leo and Luna Srl is governed by these general conditions of sale, together with the conditions relating to the completion of the order and the methods of delivery and payment of the goods.
3.3. Leo and Luna Srl invites buyers to read these general conditions of sale carefully and to transfer them by printing them to a durable medium to be preserved.

(4) Order and purchase

4.1. The products that the Customer can purchase are those present on the Site (www.leoeluna.net) as reproduced on the homepage of the same and in its various sections, divided according to the type of product and described in the related information sheets, if applicable.

4.2. The products displayed on the site can be: – “ available ”, i.e. present in the warehouse and therefore available to be ordered by the “Customer”; – “ not available ” in stock. The Customer, in this case, will not be able to order the product but, if he wishes, he can provide his email address to be informed if and when the product will be available again;

4.3. In order to purchase the products, the Customer must be registered on the site or log in as a guest;

4.4. For the delivery, Leo and Luna Srl uses the national courier _______. It is possible, however, to choose the payment method by the Customer at the time of purchase (Pay Pal and credit cards accepted by Stripe (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, America Express, PostePay, Apple Pay);

4.5. Leo and Luna Srl confirms acceptance of the order by sending an email to the email address that the customer will communicate when registering on the site or at the time of purchase;

4.6. The data contained in the order confirmation email are as follows: Order number and date, Product(s) quantity price, Payment method chosen, Transport costs, Order total

4.7. The Customer will be required to check that the data in the order confirmation email are correct and to immediately report to Leo and Luna Srl any errors or deficiencies;

4.8. Leo and Luna Srl reserves the right at its sole discretion not to accept the order.

(5) Prices
All sales prices published on the Site include VAT.

(6) Court of exclusive jurisdiction (consumer court)
In the event of a dispute regarding the interpretation, execution and termination of this distance selling contract, if the Customer is a non-professional final consumer (i.e. if he is a natural person who DOES NOT purchase the products to use them in his professional activity), the judge of the place of residence or domicile of the consumer, if located in Italy, will have exclusive territorial jurisdiction (in compliance with the provisions of Art. 63 of Legislative Decree 205/2006).

(7) Validity and modification of the General Conditions of Sale
These general conditions of sale will remain valid and effective until they are varied and/or integrated by Leo and Luna Srl by publishing changes and/or additions on the Site, at the internet address https://leoeluna.net/termini-e-conditioni/ . The variations and/or additions will be effective from the moment of publication.

Purchase procedure

(1) Catalogues, Products, Prices
The catalog of products on the Site is updated daily.
It may therefore be different from what is found in the individual sales points that distribute products Leo and Luna Srl .
The prices of the products indicated on the Site www.leoeluna.net do not coincide or do not necessarily coincide with those practiced by the individual sales points that distribute the same products.
The prices charged by Leo and Luna Srl and indicated on the Site can be modified at any time, even during the day.

(2) Username and password
The buyer may decide to register and have a Username and Password both to place orders and to access their "personal area" on the Site; the latter contains the details of each order and the data provided by the consumer when registering on the Site. Or, the user can make the purchase and checkout as a "guest". In this case, registration is not necessary.
The Username must correspond to a valid email address.
The password must be made up of at least 6 characters including a symbol and two numbers, furthermore the system distinguishes uppercase from lowercase letters when reading and recognizing the password.
If you do not remember the registered password, it is not necessary to register again; in this case it is sufficient to follow the following instructions:

2.1 Have you forgotten your password?
In this case (provided you remember at least the username), you will need to follow this procedure: from the menu at the top right by clicking – Account item – the Account page opens – clicking on the link – Forgot your password? – a page opens with the request: enter your registration email address. The user will receive an email at this address containing the "Password recovery procedure" (with a link to reset the password which accesses the screen in which to set the new password). After typing and confirming it, the user will normally have access to the personal area.

(3) Cart
Each product that you intend to purchase must first be placed in the "Shopping Cart". You can click 'add to cart' below each product on a Category page, or by first opening the product itself and clicking 'add to cart'.
Inserting a product in the cart does not constitute a purchase and does not bind you to purchase.
You can view the contents of the Cart by simply clicking on the relevant symbol which is located at the top on the right side of the page where each product category is shown. A page opens showing the type and quantity of the individual products entered for purchase, where you can:
– modify or delete the product from the cart by clicking on the appropriate button;
– view shipping costs (shipping within and not beyond national borders at a fixed cost of €10 for orders under €60, and free for orders over €60).
If you want to examine other products to evaluate whether to choose them and add them to your cart, you can continue browsing, viewing the items according to the categories of interest, which are always visible at the top of the page; or, if you already know the brand and/or model of the desired item, just enter it in the site's search menu, located on the top right of the page, next to the shopping cart icon.
If after having inserted one or more products in the Cart you do not continue further, the added products will remain in memory for thirty days (period during which the cart will automatically "update" in the event of a change in prices or deletion of products from the catalog Leo and Luna Srl ). After this deadline, the cart will no longer contain any products.
If you want to proceed with the purchase, you must click on the " Proceed " button: you will arrive at an identification page where you will be asked to enter your data.
It is possible to enter the cart and check its contents by clicking on the word " Cart" highlighted at the top right of the page.
In some cases it may happen that, when a product is added to the cart or order list, the message " The product is temporarily out of stock " appears; this occurs due to the usual short interval between the moment in which the products are no longer available and the moment in which the catalog is periodically updated; this means that the product inserted in the cart was no longer available at the time of its insertion, but the catalog had not yet been updated.
If the product is not available, you can see it on the site with the words "Not available"; the 'add to cart' button in this situation is not visible. The product can therefore be viewed but not purchased; in this case, it will still be purchasable when the warehouse is loaded. To remember the chosen product and retrieve it later, you can add it to the "Wishlist" by clicking on the appropriate symbol, positioned next to the image of the item in the product sheet.
The definitively terminated products are directly deleted, so they will no longer be visible.

(4) Payment
The Customer can opt for payment via Pay Pal and credit card.
It is possible to use credit cards accepted by Stripe (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, America Express, PostePay, Apple Pay);
In the case of payment by credit card, no additional price will be charged.
When using credit cards you must always enter the CVV2 CODE : otherwise the order will be cancelled.
In the case of Visa and Mastercard credit cards, the CVV2 consists of the last 3 digits shown on the back of the card.

4.1 Possible request for an additional code:
It may happen that, after having entered your credit card details and CVV2, you may also need to add an additional code or other specific data.
This happens because some banking institutions require a particular procedure to enable the use of an online credit card. In this case, you must contact your banking institution to obtain instructions for enabling your credit card for online purchases.

4.2 Authorization to spend on the credit card:
When you enter your credit card details, your bank is asked to authorize spending on your credit card.
Sometimes banks inform the customer by sending a text message: the meaning of the latter is that the credit limit necessary for the purchase has been "booked" and "blocked", so to speak; however, receipt of the text message does not constitute confirmation of the final charge.
In fact, the latter occurs when, with the shipment of the products, via a text message and an email sent to the contact details indicated by the customer at the time of the order, it is confirmed by Leo and Luna Srl to the customer the delivery of the products to the courier for transport; only at this point will the purchase amount be charged to your credit card.

4.3 Possible “authenticity verification”:
It could happen that, before the ordered goods are entrusted to the courier, the order paid by credit card is subjected to a " genuineness check " (check by which the actual ownership of the credit card is verified) by the banking institution that issued the card.
If an "authenticity check" is initiated, the customer can be informed by Leo and Luna Srl by email.
The “authenticity verification” normally takes 24 hours for orders paid by Visa and Mastercard credit card.
In the event that the bank highlights a Leo and Luna Srl any irregularity relating to the credit card used, Leo and Luna Srl will cancel the order, informing the customer via e-mail.

Rights – Right of withdrawal

(1) Contents of the right of withdrawal
Articles 45 to 67 of Legislative Decree 206/2005 (Consumer Code) regulate the sales of products made via the Internet. The Consumer Code recognizes the consumer's right of withdrawal from contracts or contractual proposals with the right, in this case, to return the purchased product and receive a refund of the expenditure made.
However, the right of withdrawal does not apply in the case of products made to measure or clearly personalized or which, by their nature, cannot be returned or are likely to deteriorate or expire rapidly, nor in the case of audiovisual products and computer programs contained in packages originally sealed and opened by the consumer; it does not apply even in the case of sealed products, opened after delivery to the consumer, which cannot be returned for hygiene or health protection reasons.
In the case of withdrawal, the Customer is responsible for the decrease in value of the goods resulting from manipulation that is not necessary to define the nature, characteristics and functioning of the products, therefore if:
– the original packaging is missing,
– integral elements of the goods are missing such as: the instruction manual, accessories, cables and other similar elements.
The right of withdrawal is recognized only to "Consumers" understood as natural persons who purchase the goods not for purposes related to their professional, commercial or entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, the right of withdrawal in question does not apply to "Professionals", i.e. natural and/or legal persons acting for the professional purposes pursued.
The Customer will have to bear the costs of returning the product.

(2) How and when the right of withdrawal is exercised
The Customer may withdraw within 14 (fourteen) days from delivery of the goods or, in the case of services, from the stipulation of the corresponding contract.
Within this deadline, the Customer who intends to make use of this right is required to inform Leo and Luna Srl of your withdrawal in one of the following ways:

to) sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the following address:

Leo e Luna Srl, Viale Premuda, 46; Postal Code 20129 City Milan (MI).


b) Sending the withdrawal request via certified email to the address leoeluna@legalmail.it.

Within 3 (three) working days from receipt of the notices of withdrawal, Leo and Luna Srl will send - to the Customer's e-mail address indicated in the order or in his withdrawal request - the Return Authorization Number (NAR) which will identify the case.
The Customer, within 14 (fourteen) days of receiving the Return Authorization Number (NAR), must, at his own expense, return the product in its original packaging; on this must be indicated the Return Authorization Number indicated by Leo and Luna Srl ; in particular, the return will be carried out by sending the product to the following address (or to the different address indicated in the email from Leo and Luna Srl of NAR communication):

Leo e Luna Srl, Viale Premuda, 46; Postal Code 20129 City Milan (MI)

It is specified that the 14-day deadline established for the return of the product following the exercise of the Consumer's right of withdrawal is considered respected provided that the product is physically shipped within said deadline.

(3) How and when the cost of the product and shipping costs will be refunded
Leo e Luna Srl , in accordance with article 56 of Legislative Decree 206/05, will reimburse all payments received from the Customer and the costs of the original delivery to the Customer of the product returned following his withdrawal (with the exception of additional costs arising from the possible choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive standard delivery offered by Leo e Luna Srl ) within 14 (fourteen) days from the date on which Leo and Luna Srl has been aware of the exercise of the right of withdrawal by the Customer; the latter will in any case be exempt from incurring any costs as a consequence of this reimbursement (without prejudice to the fact that the shipping costs for returning the product following the withdrawal are, as mentioned, borne by the Customer).
Leo and Luna Srl will have the right to withhold the amount due to the Customer for reimbursement until the product is received intact or until the Customer has demonstrated that he has shipped the goods; Of the two alternatives, the one that occurs first will prevail.
In the case of payment by credit card for the purchased products, Leo and Luna Srl will make the refund by reversing the transaction directly to the credit card.
In the case of payment for products purchased via PayPal, the refund will be made by crediting the Customer's account.
In the case of payment by bank transfer, the customer will receive a refund.

(4) Exercise of the right of withdrawal in case of purchases made through financing
In case of exercising the right of withdrawal from the purchase of a product made through a financing contract, the latter will immediately cease.
In the event that the Customer has purchased a plurality of products through a financing contract with a single order and intends to withdraw from the purchase contract with exclusive reference to one or more specific products, the Customer will for this purpose be required to:
– inform Leo and Luna Srl that you wish to withdraw by highlighting the product you intend to return as described above;
– receive from Leo and Luna Srl an indication of the new amount to be financed;
– communicate this data to the company that grants consumer credit via toll-free number, requesting the opening of a new loan application for the amount communicated to it by Leo e Luna Srl , for which the documents sent for the first financing request will be considered valid;
– communicate in writing to Leo and Luna Srl the new reference number thus obtained of the financing practice, receiving from Leo and Luna Srl a new correlative Return Authorization Number;
– send back the product(s) subject to withdrawal using the new NAR.

The company, having received the product(s) thus returned, will cancel the first loan and issue the new invoice with updated amounts and products.

Rights – The Guarantee

(1) Legal guarantee
All products marketed by Leo and Luna Srl are covered by the 24-month legal guarantee provided for by articles 128 to 135 of Legislative Decree 206/2005 (“Consumer Code”).
The legal guarantee consists of liability for 24 months Leo and Luna Srl as seller of the products, towards the consumer, understood as the natural person acting for purposes unrelated to any entrepreneurial, commercial, artisanal or professional activity carried out, for defects of conformity not detectable at the time of the conclusion of the purchase contract, within the limits and with the methods that will be summarized below.
A product presents a "defect of conformity" if, as provided for in art. 129 of the Consumer Code:
– it is not suitable for the use for which it is usually intended;
– does not conform to the description or does not have the qualities promised by the seller;
– does not offer the usual qualities and performances of a good of the same type;
– it is not suitable for the particular use desired by the consumer unless brought to the attention of the seller at the time of purchase and accepted by the seller.
The notification of the lack of conformity - which to be covered by the guarantee must appear within 24 months of delivery of the goods - must be made within 2 months following the date of discovery. However, the report is not necessary if the seller has recognized the existence of the defect or has hidden it.
Unless proven otherwise, it is presumed that defects of conformity which appear within 6 months of delivery of the goods already existed on that date.
In the event of a lack of conformity, the consumer can first ask, at his choice, the seller to repair the goods or replace it, without costs in both cases, unless the requested remedy is objectively impossible or excessively onerous compared to the other.
In the case of Leo and Luna Srl only replacement is envisaged, as repairs are usually objectively impossible or excessively expensive.
Replacements must be made within a reasonable period of time from the consumer's request; in the case of Leo e Luna Srl , the average delivery time of the product to the Consumer is 30 days. If within the maximum period of 60 days Leo and Luna Srl is unable to deliver the replacement product, the consumer may alternatively request one of the other remedies (termination of the contract, price reduction).
In the case of a price reduction or termination of the contract with refund of the price, the use of the goods by the consumer is taken into account - to determine the sum owed to the consumer.

(2) Method of exercising the right to legal guarantee
The consumer who intends to make use of the legal guarantee must:
– communicate the defect found to Leo and Luna Srl in writing, by e-mail to the address info@leoeluna.it, describing as clearly as possible the defect found in the product;
– take note of the Return Authorization Number (NAR) (different from case to case) which Leo and Luna Srl will communicate;
– carefully pack the product for shipping, inserting accessories, user manual and anything else contained in the original packaging into the packaging;
– write on the packaging, clearly and legibly, the Return Authorization Number (NAR) assigned by Leo and Luna Srl.
The logistics operator appointed by Leo and Luna Srl will then contact the consumer in order to arrange for the collection of the product.

(3) Additional manufacturer's conventional warranty
"Conventional guarantee" means a form of guarantee that is not obligatory by law that the supplier of a specific product can provide in addition - never in replacement - of the legal guarantee which in any case is rightfully entitled to the consumer.
The conventional warranty generally provides only for the repair of the product for a limited period of time.
The products marketed by Leo and Luna Srl , except for possible exceptions which will be made known to the consumer, are accompanied only by the legal guarantee.

Delivery – Times and Costs

(1) Types of delivery
Deliveries take place according to the standard delivery method within the borders of the national territory.

1.2. Standard delivery is carried out at the address indicated by the consumer on working days from 08.30 to 18.30, via the national courier Nexive, a logistics operator appointed by Leo and Luna Srl [check the shipping company and its availability].
The expected delivery times start from the moment the goods are entrusted to the courier, an operation which is carried out within a maximum of approximately 2 working days from the completion of the purchase by the Customer. Delivery times from the moment of entrustment to the appointed courier are, in normal conditions, 2 working days (except for causes of force majeure such as accidents, theft from the transport vehicle, atmospheric agents); in exceptional cases delivery times can reach 7 working days for deliveries to islands or in any case to locations that are difficult to reach, or uncontrollable events for which Leo and Luna Srl cannot respond in terms of lack of responsibility.

(2) Delivery costs
2.1. Delivery costs are standard and refer exclusively to shipments returning to the national territory for an amount equal to €10 (ten euros) for orders under €60. Shipments of orders over €60 are free.
2.2. There is no additional cost for delivery to islands and hard-to-reach locations.

2.3. Delivery costs amount to €25 for international shipments within the European Union.